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Marine Option

Few can be Marines, Even Fewer can lead them. This program will develop young men and women to ultimately prepare them for Officer Candidate School (OCS), a six-week training held in Quantico, Virginia. As a Marine-Option Midshipmen at the University of Maryland Consortium, students are required to take all (3) required NROTC classes, attend weekly Leadership Lab, participate in weekly close-order drill, participate in Battalion and Company Physical Training (PT) events, and conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Field Exercise


After completion of OCS, Marine-Option Midshipmen will graduate and complete their bachelor’s degree, which set conditions for them to Commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Semper Fidelis!

-(2) Field Exercises (one per semester) held in Quantico, Virginia
-Weekly Marine Corps Martial Arts Program training
-Weekly Tactics classes
-Continuous mentorship with Marine Officer Instructor
-Semester hikes under load


Marine Corps Martial Arts Program

Land Navigation Prep

Land Navigation Preparations

OCS Graduation

OCS Graduation

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